Training Resources
Ultimate Funnel Hacking
Prompt 1:
Uncover and present [creator/company]'s sales funnel with special reference to audience, lead magnets, tripwire offer, core sale, up sell(s) and premium offer pricing
Prompt 2:
Give me a breakdown of all of their main funnels
Prompt 3:
Act as a marketing expert
Analysis the below sales page and extract:
-the defined audience
-the core offer
-the audience problems being solved by the offer
[copy/paste sales page copy]
Prompt 4:
Breakdown the psychological profile of the customer avatar, I want to know the following:
[Primary Goal]=
[Primary Complaint]=
[Secondary Goals]=
[Secondary Complaints]=
[Ultimate Fear]=
[False Solutions]=
[Mistaken Beliefs]=
[Expensive Alternatives]=
[Industry Who Profits Off Their Failure]=